
You are a 2D block that moves up and down on the screen. In front of you, obstacles spawn in random positions and eventually will start to move and rotate as you progress left to right through them.
To move simply hold either the left or right side of the screen and the block will move accordingly through the level.
Every 10 obstacles, your level will increase and it will get harder as the blocks move quicker and spin faster.

Touch an obstacle and you will die and have to start again.

How far can you get?


Gravity Rebound screenshot
Gravity Rebound screenshot
Gravity Rebound screenshot
Gravity Rebound screenshot

How to play


There are currently 2 versions a paid and free version:

Why get the full version:

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Gravity Rebound (lite) can be played in your browser right now by pressing the button bellow

Play Now


Gravity rebound can also be downloaded onto your phone

Google Play Store logo

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Newgrounds is a gaming website where you can play games in your browser. Gravity Rebound is on there and you can find it here. If you have time, it would be great if you could rate it and leave a comment which will help Gravity Rebound grow through Newgrounds.