
You can walk around this mini spherical world and collect resources. You have a camp which has a fire and a shield. The fire prevents monsters from entering your camp and the shield protects it from being hit by meteors. You must leave the safety of your camp to collect wood for the fire and the rare Night-Flower to power the shield. Meteor showers strike your world periodically and will kill you if you are hit by one; the showers also replenish the supply of Night-Flowers. Whilst on the night/dark side of the world, monsters spawn around you and will also kill you if they reach you.

Although trees exist all round the world, Night-Flowers can only survive in darkness so you must venture into unknown in order to collect them. You have a small bag which can carry one bit of wood or a few Night-Flowers which always you to move the resources to your camp however whilst your bag is full, you movement speed is reduced, making you vulnerable to the hazards of the world.

How long can you survive?


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How to play


You can download an EXE file here

You can play online now


Several Assets used were created by Kenney Assets

Some Audio files were taken from under the CC Attribution 3.0 Unported license